Domestic abuse community based service for victims across North Yorkshire and City of York

The Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, North Yorkshire County Council and City of York Council recognise the negative impact that Domestic Abuse has on families, children and communities. They are committed to working together within the Domestic Abuse Joint Coordinating Group of the North Yorkshire Community Safety and Safer York Partnerships to provide effective and consistent support and interventions to meet the needs of those affected.

In order to achieve this vision, they have jointly commissioned a holistic support service for all victims and survivors of domestic abuse to be delivered by Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS) through a phased roll-out from 1 March 2019 to replace the current Early Intervention, Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) and Making Safe – Victims Outreach Services.

It is anticipated that greater value for money will be achieved by ensuring the total local investment collectively prioritises the most effective interventions and services, with an emphasis on early-intervention and providing consistent services to meet current and potential future need of any victim or survivor of domestic abuse, thereby reducing demand on operational policing services and other related statutory services such as health, housing, children, young people and family prevention services as well as social care.

Who can access support?
Support is available for anyone who is a direct victim or survivor of domestic abuse perpetrated against them – this service cannot support those affected by living in a household where domestic abuse has occurred such as children of victims and/or perpetrators.

Support is available for all genders and regardless of sexual orientation.
Referrals can be made by professionals working with victims and survivors as well as self-referrals, and support is available whether they want to make a formal report to the police or not.

Making a Referral - how does it work?
Referrals for victims and survivors can continue to be made:

All referrals will initially be reviewed by specialist domestic abuse staff in a centralised Referral Hub which will be the first point of contact with IDAS for all clients. This will ensure that everyone has access to consistent support; starting with a Hub assessment looking at risk and need, and then, where needed, referral to an appropriate follow-up support service most relevant to meet their needs. The Hub will also provide triage, immediate advice, support and safety planning as required.

For those that require further support, the Hub team will refer the client on to receive appropriate support to meet their needs, either to a locality-based IDAS team of Safe Lives Accredited (IDVA accredited) Domestic Abuse Practitioners to provide specialist 1-2-1 support; a peer support group; or to an external agency.

What help can they offer?


  • Community engagement and Champions training
  • Early intervention and prevention
  • 1 to 1 emotional and practical support, including support through any police investigation and/or court proceedings
  • Target Hardening where necessary to help victims remain safely within their own homes
  • Supported group work and peer support networks
  • Onward referrals and/or liaison with other support services as appropriate.