Agenda item 2 - York and North Yorkshire LEP update

Chief Executives' Group - North Yorkshire and york

16 September 2022


1.0 Purpose of the report

1.1 To update on the LEP delivery in 2022/23.


2.0 Summary

2.1 Annex A provides the LEP Delivery Plan on a Page

2.2 The primary priorities for the LEP in 2022/23 is to:

  • Deliver the plan for Growth and Investment Plan;
  • Secure sign off for the Routemap to Carbon Negative;
  • Support devolution; and
  • Retain its track record on delivery.

2.3 A separate paper is included outlining progress on devolution; therefore this paper will focus on the other three priorities.

3.0 Delivering the Plan for Growth and Investment Plan

3.1 The Plan for Growth reamins in draft format. Resource was reallocated to support North Yorkshire and York to develop and submit their Shared Prosperity Fund Bids.

3.2 These bids have now been submitted to government and implementation planning is underway. Reflecting that the SPF will transfer to the MCA from 2025, the LEP is also providing ongoing programme management support to NYCC. This will enable an appropriate skillset to be secured and retained into the MCA to provide consistency and continuity for regional partners. The LEP secretariat will report to the agreed NYCC committees for decision making.

3.3 The Plan for Growth will be reviewed against the devolution deal to ensure it remains fit for purpose and any appropriate amendments are made. Within the devolution implementation plan we are scheduling the review for completion and approval by the LEP Board and MCA Shadow arrangements by March 23.

4.0 Routemap to Carbon Negative

4.1 The Routemap to Carbon Negative has been approved by the LEP Board and engagement is ongoing with both City of York and North Yorkshire Council.

4.2 City of York plan to take the routemap through their approval route alongside their own Climate Change Strategy in October 2022.

4.3 North Yorkshire continue to develop their strategy through the LGR process and the LEP will engage through this process.

4.4 The actions within the devolution deal relating to the £7m Net Zero investment and the single conversation with the Government around future opportunities and funding will be based ont he priorities within the Routemap to Carbon Negative.

4.5 Five workshops were held over the summer period, engaging local stakeholders and business in the routemap priorities. These were;

  • Business and industry
  • Marine and coastal
  • Communities
  • Natural Capital
  • Tourism

4.6 The outcome of these workshops will inform the development of future work and investment plans.

5.0 Delivery

5.1 Growth Hub - The Growth Hub continues to work across the region supporting businesses with their growth plans. A change in criteria has enabled the growth hub to extend its support to non-SME businesses which is enabling a more strategic relationship in some key areas.

5.2 The Growth Hub is also working closely with partners including;

  • delivering grant funding with Harrogate and York
  • co-funded posts with Craven and Scarborough
  • a funded post through York St Johns University

5.3 Work is underway to consider a Shared Prosperity Fund bid to extend and enhance provision across the region.

5.4 Inward investment - Following the successful attendance at UKREIF, the inward investment offer continues to be developed. In particular J53 Scotch Corner has been shortlisted for a Rolls Royce site. We are working closely with Tees Valley in developing this proposition.

5.5 Careers and enterprise company - The CEC programme continues to deliver and is one of the highest performing programmes in the North. All schools and colleges are engaged. Activity will ramp up from September when summer holidays are removed.

5.6 Anecdotally, there has been a real increase in business wishing to engage in the careers programme, possibly reflecting the challenge in recruitment across the region.

5.7 Skills Advisory Panel - The LEP was awarded £50k to update the skills evidence base and to support development of the Local Skills Improvement Plans through the Chamber of Commerce. The LEP is working alongside NYCC and CoYC to ensure a single collective voice in influencing the plans being developed in the region.

5.8 Community Renewal Fund - The CRF programmes remain on track to deliver with the majority of workstreams due to report in Q3 2022. Alongside the Local Area Energy Plans to be developed across North Yorkshire, the project will also deliver pilot activity to support retrofitting various hometypes alongside considering EV charging infrastructure and community activity.

5.9 The outcomes of this work will inform the priorities for the £7m devolution of net zero funding and support further engagement with government and the National Infrastructure Bank.


6.0 Recommendation

6.1 Chief Executives are asked to note LEP progress against its delivery plan.


James Farrar

Chief Operating Officer, York and North Yorkshire LEP