Death is the only event guaranteed to happen to 100% of the population. At least once in their lives most people will be involved in caring for someone who is dying, often a close friend or relative. The final thing we can do for the people we care for is to make sure they receive the best possible care at the end of their lives.
However, a deep-seated unwillingness to talk about death across society has meant that discovering the needs of dying people, and then trying to translate these needs into practice, has not been an easy process. The North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board has recognised the importance of improving care at the end of life by including ‘Dying Well’ as one of the five key themes for the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2015-20.
In May 2016 a JSNA deep dive on was published on End of Life Care which aims to summarise national guidance for end of life care and provide recommendations to commissioners. The document can be found here