Agenda item 8 - Local Government North Yorkshire and York - meeting 5 March 2021

Chief Executives' Group - North Yorkshire and York

12 February 2021


1.0 Purpose of the report

1.1 To ask Chief Executives to identify business for LGNYY's forthcoming meeting and to note the deadline for providing finalised reports for agenda distribution.

2.0 Background

2.1 LGNYY is due to meet on Friday 5 March 2021 at 2.30pm. This will be a formal, remote, live broadcast meeting.

2.2 The meeting will be held by either Zoom or MS Teams. Further information will be circulated shortly.

3.0 Issues for consideration

3.1 Chief Executives are asked to identify business for the meeting on 5 March. One item of business is currently identified, namely, a LEP update from James Farrar. Helen Simpson has been invited to attend the meeting on 5 March for consideration of the LEP update.

4.0 Report deadline

4.1 Finalised reports, for consideration at LGNYY's meeting, should be emailed to by 5pm on Tuesday 23 February.

5.0 Recommendations

5.1 Chief Executives are asked to identify business for consideration at LGNYY's meeting on 5 March.

5.2 That finalised report for consideration by LGNYY be emailed to by 5pm on Tuesday 23 February.