Agenda item 6 - Report of the York, North Yorkshire, East Riding and Hull (YNYERH) Directors of Development Group

Chief Executives' Group - North Yorkshire and York

17 September 2021

Report of the York, North Yorkshire, East Riding and Hull (YNYERH) Directors of Development Group

1. Purpose of the report

1.1 To update the members of the Chief Executives' Group as to the work and progress of the YNYERH Directors of Development.

2.0 Background

2.1 This report updates the Chief Executives’ Group on the work of the YNYERH Directors of Development (DoDs). This report covers the DODs meetings on:

  • 28 May 2021
  • 02 July 2021
  • 06 August 2021
  • 02 September 2021


2.2       The following are key items considered by Directors over these meetings. 


3.0       Covid Impact and Economic Recovery

3.1       The North Yorkshire County Council Public Health team advised Directors on Covid-19 rates and response measures across the County. YNY LEP officers have updated Directors on economic impacts and trends, business support and economic recovery. DoDs have shared intelligence from their areas.


4.0       Community Renewal Fund and Levelling Up Fund

4.1       Updates have been given on the progress of administration and applications to the UK Community Renewal Fund (CRF) and the Levelling Up Fund round 1. The deadline for applications for both funds was 18 June 2021 with CRF projects to be delivered by 31 March 2022.  The Lead Authorities for the administration of CRF are North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) and City of York Council. Twenty-eight projects were shortlisted from sixty- six applications to NYCC with the total value submitted to government being £8.4 million.

4.2       A joint round 1 Levelling Up bid was made by Craven and Harrogate. Directors agreed to take a strategic approach and commit resources to develop further round 2 Levelling Up bids based on the themes of transport investment, regeneration and town centre investments and cultural investment. Directors have updated each other at meetings on progress on funding bids.


5.0       Local Authorities Climate Action Progress

5.1       Business roundtables and Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP) workshops were held in June and July respectively. A full energy plan (LAEP) has been commissioned which the Directors have part funded.

5.2       A sustainable procurement project funded by the West, York and North Yorkshire business rates pool has concluded. This provided a review of 11 local authorities’ procurement and climate change strategies. Toolkits have been developed, to guide low carbon purchasing focusing on construction, transport and vehicles, furniture, ICT hardware and catering.

5.3       A local energy assets report was presented by the LEP. Information included for each authority;

  • Building data
  • Energy demands
  • EV charging including privately funded charging points.
  • Social data on fuel poverty
  • Deprivation information

5.4       Directors agreed to support sustainable procurement in their respective policies and to encourage engagement in COP 26.


6.0       Reports and Presentations

Directors considered reports and presentations on the following topics:


6.1       The YNYER Celebrating Heritage report; jointly commissioned with Historic England to recognise the value of heritage to the region and identify the opportunities that heritage assets offer in terms of good growth. Areas considered in the report are; market towns, coastal towns, lowland agriculture, estate landscapes, upland agriculture and the City of York.

6.2       Sport England and North Yorkshire Sport.  This updated Directors on Sport England’s ten-year strategy, Uniting the Movement, which encompasses physical activity in its widest sense including physical and mental health, social and community development and economic impacts. The five big issues for the organisation are; recover and  reinvent, connecting communities, positive experience for children and young people, connecting with health and active environments. North Yorkshire Sport covered their priorities of targeting use of resources in areas that face issues such as low income, health inequalities and targeting different age groups, children and young people, working age adults and older people. Directors noted the link between Sport and place shaping.

6.3       Highways Design Guide; The presentation and report outlined the work to revise the existing guidance and specification documents supporting NYCC officers undertaking the statutory consultee role and the subsequent adoption process. This work was welcomed by Directors.


6.4 The Environment Bill and Waste. The NYCC Waste Manager outlined the proposed NYCC response to the Resources and Waste Strategy consultation. The implications and timescales of the high level proposals arising from four consultations were covered:

  • Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging
  • Deposit Return Scheme
  • Consistency of Collections 
  • Waste Prevention Plan

6.4.1    It was noted that would be a need to inform residents of changed food waste collections and that Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) would be an opportunity to review waste collection systems should LGR be approved.

6.5 The Yorkshire Wolds AONB: Directors noted a report outlining details of the proposal to designate the Yorkshire Wolds area as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty  announced by Government . Consultation on this proposal will be led by Natural England. The initial area suggested lies within East Riding of Yorkshire, Scarborough Borough, Ryedale and North Yorkshire County Councils’ areas.

6.6 Market Analysis and Affordability of Homes in York, North Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire: This was a presentation given by Homes England:

6.6.1    Some key issues outlined were:

  • A mixed picture of property values, Hull is an outlier with a very high proportion of lower value band A type properties.
  • In terms of housing needs versus supply, all local authorities in North Yorkshire and the East Riding excepting York have delivered sufficient homes to meet need according to latest Housing Delivery test.
  • Over the last three years there has been significant new affordable housing supply in East Riding (957), Hull (991) and Harrogate (743). In comparison, the lowest supply was delivered in Craven (119), Richmondshire (140) and Ryedale (229). Although it should be noted that these are areas with significantly lower overall housing need.
  • York has seen the highest number of new social rented properties (165) but continues to see a relatively slow rate of overall affordable delivery during this period.
  • Just under half of new affordable housing supply across the whole area was funded through grants,
  • Affordability continues to worsen across all Local Authorities in North Yorkshire apart from York, East Riding and Kingston upon Hull.

6.6.2    Directors welcomed the presentation and considered options to support affordable housing delivery including enterprise zones and market town developments.

6.7       Electric Vehicle Charging: The presentation updated Directors on the Electric Vehicle Charging Deployment study which identifies measures that North Yorkshire Local Authorities and the National Park Authorities can take to overcome barriers to electric vehicle charge point roll out. The study highlighted the following barriers:

  1. Grid constraints/capacity and associated grid connection costs
  2. The rural nature of large parts of North Yorkshire
  3. The volume of on-street parking, particularly in residential areas

6.7.1    A CRF application has been submitted to achieve funding for the development of a rollout strategy for the county and funding to support innovative delivery mechanisms.

6.8 The White Rose Forest: The draft White Rose Forest (WRF)  2021 - 25 was presented to Directors for endorsement which included;

  • Planting targets to 2025
  • Supporting the WRF Delivery pathway
  •  Developing a 2025- 2050 WRF Community Forest Plan

6.8.1    Directors were told that if the tree canopy was increased from 11% to 19% by 2050 a United Bank of Carbon study for West and North Yorkshire has calculated that this would sequester 931 kilotonnes of CO2 annually amounting to 50% of annual emissions.

6.8.2    Directors welcomed the plan however suggested that Chief Executives should consider the proposals.

6.9       University Of York Research into Impact of Covid on North Yorkshire Economy; Directors noted a paper outlining work with the University of York. The aim was to provide assessment of the economic and social impacts of Covid-19 in North Yorkshire and advise on a series of measures to support economic recovery and rehabilitation in the County. These measures would indicate actions that NYCC could reasonably undertake.

6.9.1    The work packages were:

  1. Workforce and Skills
  2. Low Carbon Infrastructure and Business Growth
  3. Concept Note Stockholm Environment Institute York
  4. Technology Change and I.T Development
  5. Agriculture and Food Manufacturing
  6. Tourism and Visitor Economy
  7. Housing

6.9.2    Directors noted the work and agreed to identify officers to attend a housing forum in October.

6.10     North Yorkshire Town Masterplans:  Directors received an update report on the commissioning of a series of North Yorkshire Town Masterplans across the seven North Yorkshire District and Borough Councils.

6.11     Reimaging Town Centres; This laid out considerations and tools to support the reimaging of town centres to include community aspirations and vision. It was presented by officers from NYCC Stronger Communities and North Yorkshire Sports. The five ways to Well Being were outlined;

  • Connect
  • Be Active
  • Keep Learning
  • Take Notice
  • Give

6.11.1  Ideas from research included use of empty retail spaces to house community organisations, pop up health and art activity centres, community kitchens and growing spaces and volunteers to improve public spaces. Additionally the Public Health England Healthy Place Shaping model and National Health Scotland Place Standard tool were outlined together. 

6.11.2  Directors welcomed the inspiring presentation which supported the place agenda.

6.12     A York and North Yorkshire Plan for Growth: The report given by the LEP set out the framework for developing a Plan for Growth for York and North Yorkshire.  This outlined the proposal to build on the foundations of the Local Industrial Strategy, the Reshaping the Economy post Covid 19 plan and the draft Devolution Deal to develop a York and North Yorkshire Plan for Growth aligned to the National Plan for Growth published in March 2020. The new plan would be structured around the National Plan for Growth’s Pillars of Growth including Infrastructure, Skills and Innovation and also the levelling up agenda, Net Zero and Global Britain ambitions. Initial strategic objectives were;

  • Green Future Focus – Ambition to the first carbon negative region,
  • People and Places Focus – Ambition to reshape and transform our places and ensure our people have great opportunities,
  • Sector Focus – Ambition for a stronger, innovative and more productive economy.

6.12.1  A proposed timetable of stakeholder engagement and consultation was suggested with ‘think tank’ discussions in October, wider engagement in October and November and then final consultation in January and February 2022 to seek partner endorsement.

6.12.2  Directors noted the report and will receive further updates regarding progress.


7.0       West Yorkshire Combined Authority Liaison

7.1       Directors considered joint areas of liaison with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA). Key areas identified were Strategic spatial planning, Housing, Employment and Skills, Zero Carbon ambition, Environmental legislation, One public estate, Digital Ambitions, Mayoral Combined Authority readiness and Tourism and Culture. Initial collaboration arrangements have been suggested for future WYCA and YNYERH Directors’ meetings including specific topic reports and presentations.


8.0       Devolution Review

8.1       Directors have reviewed Devolution asks to contribute any further background information to back up discussions with Government.


9.0      Recommendations

9.1      The Chief Executives note the recent and on-going work of the YNYERH Directors of Development Group.


Report for Karl Battersby
Corporate Director - Business and Environmental Services, NYCC in the capacity of Chair of the YNYERH Directors of Development Group

Author: Liz Small, Growth and Heritage Services Manager
North Yorkshire County Council


17 September 2021