North Yorkshire Disability Forum

North Yorkshire Disability Forum 

North Yorkshire Disability Forum (NYDF) aims to improve the lives of people with physical and / or sensory impairment in North Yorkshire. The Forum works in partnership with North Yorkshire County Council to provide a collective voice for disabled people to inform strategy and service development of NYCC and other statutory bodies to raise awareness of accessibility for disabled people and to improve access across North Yorkshire. 

The NYDF meets quarterly, bringing together representatives from five local user-led forums across North Yorkshire. This includes: 

  • Craven Disability Forum
  • Harrogate Disability Forum (who meet with Harrogate and District Access Group)
  • Ripon Physical and Sensory Impairment Group (RipPSI)
  • Selby District Disability Forum (SDDF)
  • Yorkshire Coast and Ryedale Disability Forum (YCRDF)

NYDF and local disability forums are chaired by independent volunteers, each with lived experience of disability and the majority of members are also people with lived experience of disability. Guests including local authorities, service providers, health and other professionals may attend meetings based on member requests.

For more information

Contact the HAS Involvement Team: