Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing activity packs

The last year has been very hard and lonely for lots of people. We have made some activity packs to help you take care of your mental health and wellbeing.

The packs have ideas to help you think of ways to stay mentally well and who to talk to if you are feeling unhappy, lonely, depressed or anxious.

You can look at them on your computer or tablet or you can print them out


Mental Health and Wellbeing Front Activity Pack front cover

A letter from Christopher Porter, self-advocate co-chair of North Yorkshire Health Task Group

Ideas for who to contact if you need to talk to someone because you are feeling unhappy, lonely, depressed or anxious

Easy read guide to relaxation

Easy read guide to looking after your feelings and your body

A sensory scavenger hunt

A treasure hunt

Ideas for activities to make you feel good

Your ideas for feeling good

Your ideas for activities to help you relax

A wordsearch about wellbeing

A wordsearch about mental health

A mindful colouring sheet of a butterfly

Photograph courtesy of Photosymbols