The North Yorkshire Compact

The North Yorkshire Compact is a written agreement between the voluntary and community Sector and the public sector detailing how they will work together for the benefit of communities.


Refreshing the North Yorkshire compact

The Compact plays a vital role in defining the relationship and improving the partnership between public sector organisations and voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.


North Yorkshire Thriving Third Sector Steering Group (now known as the North Yorkshire Liaison Group) refreshed the North Yorkshire Compact during Compact Week in 2013 (4-8 November) and launched a 12 week consultation at the North Yorkshire wider partnership conference on 22 November 2013.


The refreshed Compact was drawn up using the framework of the national Compact renewed in 2010 by the Coalition government that introduced new measures to ensure greater accountability on the implementation of the Compact. The significant changes in the refreshed Compact are that it is shorter and outcomes focused. This, coupled with greater accountability and an undertaking from the public sector to respect and uphold the independence of voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, will be the platform to strengthen existing relationships.

Working together - the North Yorkshire Compact

A full transcript of the North Yorkshire Compact is provided here.