Joint strategic needs assessment

The core aim of North Yorkshire’s JSNA is to improve the public’s health and reduce inequalities across the whole county. We do this by bringing together local authorities, community voluntary sector service users, NHS partners and others to research and agree a comprehensive local picture of health and wellbeing needs. The JSNA encourages a joined-up approach to the development of services and is used to identify priorities for commissioning.

The content of the JSNA is arranged into six themes:

  • area profiles and health inequalities
  • life stages/people
  • vulnerable groups
  • wider determinants
  • behaviour and lifestyle
  • illness and death

Under each theme are a number of topics and these and are being added to over time. The content of the JSNA is agreed by the JSNA editorial group.

In addition to providing topic-based interactive documents, core data and summary reports for the local authority and primary care networks (PCN) are produced. These reports provide a snapshot of the current health and wellbeing indicators. The (former) district profiles focus on the wider determinants of health and the PCN profiles have a healthcare public health emphasis.

The latest profiles are available to view or download from the link at the bottom of this page.

Please click here to access the JSNA topic documents.

If you have any questions or comments about the joint strategic needs assessment, please email