North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel

The role of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel is to maintain a regular check and balance on the performance of the Mayor in respect of their policing, fire and crime responsibilities. 


David Skaith was elected Mayor for York and North Yorkshire on 2 May 2024 and on 7 May took legal responsibility for the policing, fire and crime responsibilities previously held by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire. 


Each Panel is a joint committee of the local authorities in the area. Its role includes:

  • Reviewing the Mayor's proposals for the amount of Council Tax local people pay towards policing and fire and rescue. It has the power to veto these proposals if it considers the amount is inappropriate.

  • Considering the Mayor's police and crime plan/fire and rescue plan and annual report.
  • Considering the Mayor's proposals for the appointment of a new Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer.
  • Considering non-criminal complaints about the Deputy Mayor for policing and crime (where a Mayor chooses to appoint one).

The Panel's past publications in respect of each of these responsibilities can be found here.  


The Panel cannot scrutinise the performance of the police force as a whole, or the Chief Constable/Chief Fire Officer, as this is the responsibility of the Mayor.  It can request reports from the Mayor and, if it wishes, call the Mayor to attend its meetings.


The North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel covers York and North Yorkshire.  It comprises ten elected representatives drawn from North Yorkshire Council and the City of York, in addition to three individuals that have been co-opted as independent "Community" Members.  Current membership details can be found here.


North Yorkshire Council is host local authority for the Panel and provides administrative and other support to the Panel and its members.


Further details about the policing, fire and crime responsibilities of the Mayor can be found at