Whole System Approach to Domestic Abuse

Commissioners invest over £8m in new commissioned support services to deliver a Whole System Approach to Domestic Abuse in North Yorkshire & the City of York from April 2024


The Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council recognise the negative impact that Domestic Abuse has on families. They are committed to working together to provide effective and consistent support and interventions to meet the needs of everyone affected by domestic abuse. 


Building on the successful joint commissioning arrangements developed in 2019, we have continued to work together to ensure services are available for all victims, survivors, perpetrators and their children, through simplified pathways to support, and to create a more sustainable, multi-agency ‘Whole System Approach’ to domestic abuse.


In order to achieve this vision, we are collectively investing over £8m over the next 4 years to provide a holistic package of enhanced support services for everyone affected by domestic abuse across North Yorkshire & the City of York from April 2024. 


The overall objective of the support services is to enable all victims and survivors, and their children, to better cope with the immediate impacts of domestic abuse, empowering them to make informed choices about their safety and rebuilding resilience to move forward from the harm experienced. The services will also enable individuals who are engaged in abusive behaviour towards their current or former partners, or immediate family members, the opportunity to recognise, acknowledge and change that behaviour. 


The aim is to reduce those victims and survivors fleeing domestic abuse becoming homeless and/or in temporary accommodation, to prevent abusive behaviour escalating and reduce the risk posed by perpetrators whilst increasing the actual and feelings of safety of victims, survivors and their children, and empower individuals to support themselves independently, or through an appropriate peer support networks longer term. 


It is anticipated that greater value for money will be achieved by ensuring the total local investment collectively prioritises the most effective interventions and services, with an emphasis on early-intervention to meet current and potential future need of any victims, survivors, perpetrators and their children, thereby reducing demand on operational policing services and other related statutory services such as health, housing, children, young people and family prevention services as well as social care.


Support for Victims and Survivors

Delivered by Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS) support is available for all victims and survivors aged 16 years and over who are fleeing domestic abuse. 

Support is available for all genders and regardless of sexual orientation. 

Support is available whether or not they want to make a formal report to the Police. 


The services available include:


  • Central Referral Hub which will be the first point of contact for all victims, survivors and children and young people affected by domestic abuse. This will ensure that everyone has access to consistent advice and support, and then, where needed, allocation to an appropriate intervention most suitable to meet their individual needs. The Hub will also provide triage, immediate advice, support and safety planning as required.


  • Safe Accommodation with tailored 1 to 1 emotional and practical support for up to 1 year in a safe and secure environment through a variety of purpose-built Refuge premises and dispersed Safe Accommodation throughout North Yorkshire and the City of York for all those fleeing domestic abuse, and their dependent children up to the age of 16 years. 


  • Safe Haven scheme providing short-term emergency accommodation and respite opportunities for up to two months with host families; this will be particularly beneficial for those who may not be able to live in refuges, do not have access to public funds or live in rural communities.


  • Resettlement support for a period of up to 3 months following move on from the accommodation including onward referrals and/or liaison with other support services as appropriate.


  • Sanctuary Scheme and Target Hardening alongside specialist support and advice to enable victims, survivors and their children to remain safely in their own homes if they choose to do so.



Referrals can be made:


Support for Children & Young People affected by domestic abuse 

Delivered by Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS) support is available for children & young people aged 10 to 16 years who have been impacted by domestic abuse within the family, and/or are displaying inappropriate or unhealthy behaviour (also known as Child/Adolescent to Parent Violence or Abuse “C/APVA”) as a result of the domestic abuse they have experienced. 

Support is also available for older young people displaying abusive behaviours within their own intimate relationships with other young people; those under 10 years or over 16 years up to their 18th birthday will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Support is available for all genders and regardless of sexual orientation.


The services available include:


  • Central Referral Hub which will be the first point of contact for all families affected by domestic abuse. This will ensure that everyone has access to consistent advice and support, and then, where needed, allocation to an appropriate intervention most suitable to meet their individual needs. The Hub will also provide triage, immediate advice, support and safety planning as required.


  • Intensive 1-to-1 emotional and practical support for children and young people, including elements of each of the following where appropriate:
    • Early intervention resources for children and young people with emerging issues
    • Therapeutic Interventions for children and young people impacted by domestic abuse within their family
    • Trauma-informed interventions for children and young people using abusive behaviours within the family setting, based on the Respect Young People’s Programme, using a ‘whole family’ approach to address CAPVA
    • Specialist Young Perpetrators Programme for older young people using abusive behaviours within intimate relationships with other young people


  • Age-appropriate groupwork, which may include understanding healthy relationships, our behaviour and the impact on others, or self-esteem and how young people can use the environment and physical activity to regulate their emotions and look after their mental wellbeing.


  • Telephone and 1-to-1 support for parent/guardians with supporting Parent Information Packs providing advice on safety planning, boundary setting and behaviour management, online and in person workshops, and peer-led support networks, onward referrals and/or liaison with other agencies and support services as appropriate.


Referrals can be made:


Support for Perpetrators of domestic abuse to change their behaviour

Delivered by Foundation UK, support is available for anyone aged 16 years and over who is a perpetrator of domestic abuse, who wish to voluntarily address their abusive behaviour. 

Support is available for all genders and regardless of sexual orientation. 


All referrals will be initially assessed by a Domestic Abuse Intervention Worker (DAIW), who will review all relevant information regarding risk to complete an initial risk assessment including assessing the perpetrator’s suitability for the programme, identification of their most immediate needs and any immediate action needed to safeguard their victim and any children from further harm. 


The services available include:


  • Triage/Short Intervention/Advice Sessions including signposting to other agencies and support services to address wider presenting needs as appropriate. Once any immediate needs have been addressed, perpetrators will be offered a tailored package of interventions most suitable to address their needs and guide them through the various stages of behaviour change.


  • Respect accredited 26-week group programme for standard risk perpetrators, providing a restorative setting to discuss and challenge abusive behaviour. Modules include Respect, Gender, Parenting, Emotional Intimacy, Sexual Respect and Support and Trust.


  • Respect accredited 1-to-1 programme for perpetrators who are more suited to individual sessions due to multiple needs or higher risk levels. Providing 20 weekly interactive sessions, using a range of delivery methods to examine issues such as trust, empathy and healthy relationships. Tailored sessions can be added to cover parenting, child development, jealousy, accountability, emotional intelligence, substance misuse, de-escalation and the impact of combat stress and PTSD for ex-service personnel. 


  • High Harm/High Risk Interventions for perpetrators who pose a high risk of serious harm but are willing to engage in a 1-to-1 behaviour change programme. Based on the Respect accredited Drive model and using intensive case management to de-escalate immediate risk and multi-agency approach, working with the police, probation, children’s social services, housing, substance misuse and mental health teams to reduce risk and safeguard victims.


  • Peer Mentor training programmes are in development for clients who are no longer abusive and provide opportunities to support other clients, share learning, develop skills and present positive role models instilling hope in new clients and those still working on change. 


  • Integration with Victim Services through a dedicated Integrated Support Worker (ISW) to provide victims with progress updates on perpetrators to help them make informed decisions, and to ensure the voice of the victim is represented across the services and within individual work with perpetrators. 


Referrals can only be made online: +Choices – Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme Referral Form

All other enquiries, please phone: 01904 557491