Settle Area Freight Quality Partnership meeting minutes 27 September 2017


Ken Martin NYCC KM
Mike Pryal Giggleswick PC MP
Mark Corner Friends of Upper Ribblesdale MC
Jack Tregoning Hanson (Horton & Ingleton) JT
Raphael Catherwood Settle Town Council RC
Dave Parrish YDNPA DP
Barbara Tibbatts Austwick Parish Council BT
Harriet Fromant Lafarge Tarmac (Arcow & Dry Rigg) HF
Andrew Bradley Settle Chamber of Trade AB
Cllr Dave Staveley Craven District Council DS
Charlotte Read LJS Transport CR
Carly Sharp LJS Transport CS


County Cllr R Welch (FQP chair), Roy Schofield

1.0 Introductions

Introductions were made around the table. KM confirmed that Fairhurst Stone had been invited to the meeting, but had not responded. DS said he had spoken to them and was not surprised that had not come. A general discussion followed on Fairhurst’s operations, but it was concluded that most of problems were to do with matters that were not haulage. KM to ensure they are invited to next meeting.

2.0 Review of summary notes from previous meeting / matters arising.

Minutes agreed (previous meeting Feb 16). BT said minutes were not on website. KM to look into this. KM apologised about sending out minutes on 26/9/17 with the data up to 2016, because the original minutes had the older data attached.

3.0 NYCC Update on Activity

3.1 Sleep Zone Monitoring

KM said that the charts showed similar traffic figures to previous years and continue to show that there is a good level of adherence to the voluntary sleep zone. However, there was considerable discussion about the numbers of HGVs passing northbound through Settle in the early morning ie 3 vehicles 5-6am, 11 vehicles 6-7am. Corresponding numbers for Stainforth are 1 vehicle and 10 vehicles. There was also discussion as to how to ascertain what vehicles these were eg by video camera.

However, 1 vehicle passing Stainforth before 6am is a very low figure that could be taken as a quarry lorry. The total through Settle (3 heading north), which may be quarry lorries Settle Area FQP 27.09.17 2 stopping before Stainforth is also low. Notwithstanding the figures before 6am being so low, KM to investigate use of camera.

3.2 HGV Traffic Levels

Traffic level charts show traffic flows 2010 – 2017. The traffic levels for 2017 are not particularly high over most of the day, with highest levels still those in 2009 and 2010. AB pointed out that highest levels south of Settle are approx 30 vehicles / hour and at Stainforth are approx. 15 / hour; the latter are those that can be presumed to be quarry traffic ie approx. 50% of those south of Settle.

MC raised queries about routing HGVs via Buck Haw Brow although this had previously been considered. KM to send previous investigations to MC. Tuesday market was mentioned and HF said they would look at the routing for their own vehicles on Tuesdays. Other points mentioned were the underpass at Settle College being locked after school times, lorries needing to travel past Settle Primary School and the narrow footway with bollards north of Ellis’ garage.

3.4 Settle Quarry Action Line – including sat nav issues

7 complaints were received between February 2016 and 27 September 2017 [for comparison, there were 8 complaints received between February 2014 and Feb 2016]:

26/2/16 Complaint - Blue cab 6 wheeler rigid vehicle with yellow & white stripes on the back coming up from wharfe/Austwick.

Action - The vehicle did not come to Dry Rigg. Spoke to Hansons, from the details given it wasn't a vehicle they recognised. Unable to follow up further with information given.

8/4/16 Complaint - Wagons parked on / around Helwith Bridge obstructing access for other road users. Wagons arriving early to quarry.

Action - All drivers have been told if they are found to be arriving early they will be refused loading that day, if found to be doing it again they will be banned from site. Quarry staff will be monitoring the road on a morning.

8/12/16 Complaint - wagon reg MF08FOX. Wagon came through Horton at 6.45am with his horn stuck on. He stopped the vehicle in the village, waking the entire village. Complainant believes the driver should not have driven up in the first place with the horn on.

Action - Rang Horton - M Moorhead, the driver was in the quarry and had managed to silence the horn. M Moorhead will ring Miles Fox and ask him to reprimand the driver.

24/4/17 Complaint - Kiernan 8 wheeler coming up from Austwick/Wharfe. Settle Area FQP 27.09.17 3

Action - Kiernans were working for collinsons loading out of Dry Rigg. It was the drivers first time to Dry Rigg and had followed sat nav. Spoke to collinsons who will advise drivers not to follow sat nav in future.

23/5/17 Complaint - Wagon coming from Settle towards Horton round helwith bridge corner on the wrong side of the road. Around 3pm orange/red cab, not an artic. Driver wasn't going too fast, just appeared to be distracted.

Action - Spoke to Horton who confirmed they had a red T&J 8 wheeler in at 3.15pm. Rang T & J Haulage who would be calling the driver into the office that evening for a talk.

11/8/17 Complaint - schofield wagon, 62 plate overtook tractor and car settle side of fairhurst stone, wagon cut the tractor up when passing.

Action - Spoke to Aly at Floyd Schofield Haulage who would have words with the driver.

5/9/17 Complaint - Wagon travelling from Settle towards quarries overtook 2 cyclists on a bend, car coming the other way. Tarmac wagon.

Action - Not enough information to follow up. Drivers will be reminded about speed/courtesy.

The meeting was pleased that some of the offending lorries could be identified and that suitable action had been taken against them. However, the meeting also thought that the hotline leaflet should be reviewed / updated and sent out to parish councils.

4.0 Update from the Quarries on current activity

Hanson – Horton Quarry and Ingleton Quarry

JT confirmed that there was no Saturday working at Horton or at Ingleton. In discussions with Horton Parish Council, it had been agreed that a weekday opening time of 6.30am was better than 7am. Horton Quarry hours are 6.30am to 5pm.

Lafarge Tarmac – Arcow & Dry Rigg

HF advised that Arcow Quarry will reopen in July. Arcow railhead has been in use since 26/1/16, with lorries delivering material from Dry Rigg. The visual condition of the road eg re dust between the two quarries was discussed. DP confirmed that a wheel wash had been installed and the drains cleared. DP to re-check this.

5.0 Update from YDNPA on planning issues.

DP said there was little to add to the comments by Hanson and Lafarge except that Arcow had planning permission till 2029 and Horton till 2042. Horton has the largest output of the Settle Area FQP 27.09.17 4 quarries – 600,000t/year. Actual outputs: 2017 [to 30/9/17] – 413,000t. 2016 – 555,000t. 2015 – 505,000t. DP and HF said they would be able to supply figures for other quarries and for rail in due course.

6.0 Any other business

6.1 BT mentioned parking on Church St, Settle. KM said that parked cars acted as traffic calming to reduce speeds. Also KM said there was sufficient width for cars to pass between parked cars and that there were sufficient gaps for larger vehicles to pass each other.

7.0 Date and time of next meeting

To be confirmed.