The Director of Public Health is required to provide an annual report which highlights some of the key priority areas. It provides a snapshot of where we are now and celebrates the wide variety of actions currently being carried out to improve the health of the population in North Yorkshire. It also contains recommendations to guide efforts over the next year to improve the health of people in North Yorkshire and reduce health inequalities between communities.
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023-24: ‘Live, Age, Engage: healthy ageing in North Yorkshire’
Having focused on children and young people in her 2023 annual report, Director of Public Health Louise Wallace turns her attention to older people in North Yorkshire, and what we can collectively do to encourage healthy ageing.
With a higher proportion of older people compared to the rest of England (24% of people aged 65 and over, compared to 18%), and a projected rise to a third of the population by 2041, there are both opportunities and challenges.
Download the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023-24
This report explores those opportunities and challenges, building on the voice of older people and illustrated by their creativity, with a showcase of photographs themed around healthy ageing. We also hear from partners about their work with older people.
The repost is structured around four healthy ageing priorities:
- health and reducing inequalities
- housing
- financial security and employment
- making North Yorkshire an age-friendly place
It includes recommendations for each priority and a number of overarching recommendations. We will be sharing the report with key stakeholders and working together to take forward the recommendations.
To complement the report, an interactive dashboard has been developed so that people can review data for their area and explore local trends further:
View the Life Stages data dashboard on the Data North Yorkshire website
Previous Director of Public Health annual reports
Director of Public Health annual report 2023
Director of Public Health annual report 2022
Director of Public Health annual report 2021