North Yorkshire Council Public Health commissioning responsibilities
In order to achieve our aim of improving and protecting the health of our residents, the North Yorkshire Council Public Health Team commission several services and programmes of work. Local government public health commissioning responsibilities include:
- Tobacco control and smoking cessation services;
- Alcohol and drug use services;
- Public health services for children and young people aged 0-19 (including the 0-5 Healthy Child Programme and the 5-19 Healthy Child Programme);
- The national child measurement programme;
- Interventions to tackle obesity such as community lifestyle and weight management services;
- Locally-led nutrition initiatives;
- Increasing levels of physical activity in the local population;
- NHS health check assessments;
- Public mental health services;
- Dental public health services;
- Accidental injury prevention;
- Population level interventions to reduce and prevent birth defects;
- Behavioural and lifestyle campaigns to prevent cancer and long-term conditions;
- Local initiatives on workplace health;
- Supporting, reviewing and challenging delivery of key public health funded and NHS delivered services such as immunisation and screening programmes;
- Comprehensive sexual health services (including testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, contraception outside of the GP contract and sexual health promotion and disease prevention);
- Local initiatives to reduce excess deaths as a result of seasonal mortality;
- The local authority role in dealing with health protection incidents, outbreaks and emergencies;
- Public health aspects of promotion of community safety, violence prevention and response;
- Public health aspects of local initiatives to tackle social exclusion; and
- Local initiatives that reduce public health impacts of environmental risks.