Channel process
Channel is the name for the multi-agency process of identifying and referring a person for early intervention and support for those at risk of radicalisation. It is a key element of the Prevent strategy. The Channel process uses existing collaboration between local authorities, statutory partners (such as education and health organisations, social services and offender management services), the police and the local community to;
- Identify people at risk of being drawn into terrorism.
- Assess the nature and extent of that risk.
- Develop the most appropriate support plan for the individuals concerned.
Further information on Channel is available here
North Yorkshire Channel Panel
The Channel Panel has a standard multi-agency membership and meets on a monthly basis to collectively assess the risk and decide whether the person is vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism and therefore appropriate for the Channel process, should be referred to a different support mechanism or should exit the process.
For those adopted as 'Channel', the Panel will need to develop an appropriate support package based on assessment of their vulnerability of being drawn into radicalisation.
The chair of the Channel Panel is Odette Robson, Head of Safer Communities for North Yorkshire County Council.
Referral process for North Yorkshire
Safeguarding individuals with care and support needs from radicalisation is no different from safeguarding them from other forms of harm. In a few cases, the concerns around the individual may go beyond being vulnerable to extremism.
Where a professional has identified the need to refer an individual, the relevant safeguarding procedures should be followed to ensure that an appropriate referral is made to Children's Social Care or Health and Adult Services in an effective and timely way. Individual organisations need to ensure that the pathway below is aligned within their current safeguarding procedures.
Channel training resources can be found here.
For North Yorkshire County Council staff, relevant contacts are as follows:
Children and Families service - Victoria Haigh, Group Manager Access and Multiple Vulnerabilities, 01609798430
Health and adult services - Claire Lindsey, Adults Safeguarding Manager, Care and Support, 01609 534682
There is also a range of telephone numbers for members of the public who are concerned about individuals who may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism:
- North Yorkshire Police - 101
- safeguarding children and adults in North Yorkshire - North Yorkshire County Council's customer resolution centre 01609 534527
- safeguarding children in York - 01904 551 900
- safeguarding adults in York - telephone 01904 555 111