Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning (PFCC)


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The Role

The Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning (OPFCC) supports the Mayor in undertaking their Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning roles and responsibilities.

Full details of the role undertaken by the OPFCC can be found here on their website.



Supporting Victims



The Supporting Victims service has been commissioned by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and will provide support for anyone affected by crime, whether reported or not, of any age, including children and young people (wherever possible with consent), bereaved relatives, parents or guardians of victims under 18, and those affected by business crime.

As part of new local arrangements and in line with the Victims Code of Practice, improved and expanded services are available. Particularly to victims of the most serious crimes, those who are vulnerable, repeat victims; and victims of a greater range of crimes will receive support than was previously supported.

As part of the Supporting Victims service the Commissioner has also developed a bespoke website, designed to meet the needs of North Yorkshire victims of crime.

The website can inform victims how to access support services in North Yorkshire via the Supporting Victims team as well as providing victims who want to support themselves with practical information, advice and guidance.

The website can be found at: