Hate Crime and the Inclusive Communities Joint Coordinating Group

What is Hate Crime?

Hate Crime – it’s not just offensive, it’s an offence 

Hate crime is a crime which is committed against a person because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender or disability.

Hate crime takes many forms. For example, it could be a person committing a verbal, physical or sexual assault against you, or someone making threats of violence towards you or damaging your property – because of your race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender or because you have a disability.

Hate crime can happen anywhere. It can happen at home, when you are on public transport, at work, when you are out socially or even online.



What is a hate incident?

A hate incident is an act that falls short of being a criminal act and is therefore not a criminal offence, but is still motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on any of the same characteristics. 



What is a Mate Crime?

Mate crime is a form of disability hate crime.

Mate crime is where someone pretends to be friends with a person who is vulnerable (such as someone who has learning disabilities) but then goes on to take advantage, exploit or abuse them.

Mate crime is sometimes hard to identify because the offender is deemed a friend, carer or family member and using the relationship for exploitation. The vulnerable person is often unaware of the person's motives. 

Please see the One Minute Guide on Mate Crime for practitioners:



How do I report mate crime, hate crime or a hate incident?

If you are worried that you or someone you know may be experiencing Mate Crime, Hate Crime or a Hate Incident please contact:

  • in an emergency call 999
  • for non-emergencies call 101
  • call in at your local police station
  • to report a safeguarding concern please call North Yorkshire’s Customer Service Team on 0300 1312131
  • for support and advice contact Supporting Victims in North Yorkshire – supportingvictims.org
  • report online to True Vision (opens in a new window)
  • talk to a trusted friend, family member, support worker, social worker or teacher


All mate, hate crimes and incidents should be reported.

For further information, please visit North Yorkshire Police website



The following multi agency video was produced as part of Hate Crime Awareness Week 2020 for North Yorkshire. The short video demonstrates how partners come together across North Yorkshire to positively tackle hate crime.




Hate crime Awareness Week podcast

Sam Suttar, Keeping Safe Champion, for the North Yorkshire Learning Disability Partnership Board talks about hate crime.

  • Jamie Bannister from the Health and Adult Services Participation and Engagement Team chats with Sam Suttar, self-advocate and newly appointed Keeping Safe Champion for the North Yorkshire Learning Disability Partnership Board.  
  • Sam talks about his new role and his own experiences of dealing with prejudice towards disabled people.
  • Sam and Jessica Finch from KeyRing Support Services act out a demonstration of what happens when you call the police to report a Hate Crime.
  • For more on the Partnership Board’s work around Keeping Safe visit: https://nypartnerships.org.uk/keepingsafe


To listen to the podcast visit:





For more information on support services available, please visit the following websites:

Supporting Victims in North Yorkshire – supportingvictims.org

Supporting Victims in North Yorkshire can provide support for anyone affected by crime, whether reported or not, including victims, bereaved relatives, parents or guardians of victims under 18 and members of staff where a business has been a victim of crime. They can provide a range of practical and emotional support but if necessary they can also help you access support provided by other organisations.


True Vision – report-it.org.uk


Tell MAMA – tellmamauk.org


CST – cst.org.uk


Galop – galop.org.uk




Inclusive Communities Joint Coordinating Group (JCG) for North Yorkshire and City of York

Hate Crime and Community Cohesion is a strategic priority for the North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership (NYCSP). To ensure there is a coordinated approach across the county an Inclusive Communities JCG exists. It is made up of a wide range of organisations across North Yorkshire and City of York, whose remit is to oversee, coordinate and monitor multi-agency work at the local level. The Inclusive Communities JCG has produced a multi-agency action plan and meets every three months to monitor progress against the agreed action plan. The Inclusive Communities JCG works to the following objectives:

  • To provide leadership and direction across the area on hate crime including the development and publication of a multi-agency action plan, which includes a multi-agency communications and engagement campaign.
  • To provide a consistent and coordinated response across North Yorkshire and City of York.
  • To ensure that hate crime is addressed as appropriate in other relevant strategic plans and strategies.


Inclusive Communities JCG leads on the annual Hate Crime Awareness Week on behalf of NYCSP and Safeguarding Boards for North Yorkshire and City of York.


The aim of the campaign is to:

  • Promote the work of the Inclusive Communities JCG (formally the Hate Crime Working Group).
  • Increase the reporting of hate crimes and low level community tensions, linking also to the Prevent agenda.
  • Increase bystander intervention in a safe environment.
  • Promote support services and projects available, both locally and nationally.
  • Provide reassurance to those who may be subject to incidents of hate crime.
  • Provide a consistent message to both partners and communities through an effective 'multi-agency' communication plan.


The North Yorkshire campaign will cover a number of topics throughout the week:

  • What is a hate crime?
  • How to report a hate crime/ mate crime.
  • What is meant by 'active bystander' and how to become one.
  • What local support services and projects are available.
  • Training webinars for practitioners in Hate Crime Awareness, Prevent and Bystander Intervention.


Booking details for specific sessions can be found on our Events and Latest News Page.



North Yorkshire Safe Places 

The North Yorkshire Safe Places scheme was launched in 2016 .A 'safe place' is where anyone who might need a little bit more help and support when they are out and about in the community can call in to get assistance.

For more information about the scheme in North Yorkshire please contact Lesley Gray, Principal Safer Communities Officer, Safer Communities Team: Lesley.gray@northyorks.gov.uk      
